Ismailia Shriners

I would like to start this off by hoping all of you dads out there had a very Happy Father’s Day. July is upon us and that means BBQs, swimming, camp-ing, fun time around a fire with family and friends; please stay safe with whatever it is you plan on doing. On May 24 and 25 there was a Bluegrass festival to Benefit Shriners Childrens Erie which raised almost $11,000.00. Thank you Nancy Rose for putting this on and a special thank you to the members of the Gowanda Shrine club who showed up in support of the event. June was another eventful month starting off with members of the elected and appointed divan and their families attending the Zem Zem potentates ball and Erie Hospital days where we presented the hospital with a check for $5000.00. On June 9 I attended Kalurahs prohibition-themed potentates ball. We went Miniature golfing on Friday evening and Saturday the ball kicked off with ride on a carousel, and we had an excellent dinner hosted by Illustrious Sir Joe Peters and Lady Kirstin. Also on June 9 was the Ransomville parade. I would like to thank the members of the Allegany Shrine Club “Mini Karts” for traveling over 2 hours to participate. Your dedication to lsmailia is greatly appreciated. On June 14 and 15 was an Amish auction in Little Valley where we sold Sportsman raffle tickets. Thank you Chief Rabban Jim Mirruso, Noble John Markuse, and Karen Kuether for selling tickets. On June 17 lsmailia had its annual golf tournament and steak roast, June 18 was the Grand High Priestess of the Ladies Oriental Shrine visit to lsmailia. On June 22 Shriners from all over NY state gathered at the request of Most Worshipful Steven Adam Rubin and marched in a parade in Utica at the Masonic home. Also on June 22 was the West Seneca Days parade. Thank you to all who partic- ipated. June 29 – July 5 is the Shriners Imperial Session in Reno, NV. Look for an update in the August Smile. July is set to be another eventful month. The weekend of July 12 DeMolay will be hosting a regional conclave and lock in at the shrine. If anyone has kids or grand kids ages 9-21 and would like more information on Demolay please come on out to the event. Also on July 13 is the Passel and Rogues annual pig roast. For more information please reach out to Noble Christian Henderson. July 20th is lsmailia’s Poten- tate’s reception. The hospitality room will be open Friday evening and onSaturday starting at 11 a.m. Around 1 p.m. we will be having a cornhole tournament at Russells with the proceeds being split between 2 charities and a Hawaiian themed luau featuring a pig roast, brisket, and smoked chicken, as well as kids options. The front dining room will be turned into a kids zone with video games and a Nerf battle zone. I hope you and your families can attend. Just a reminder just about every Wednesday the PHDs meet for lunch at the temple. The food is good and it’s a fun time. Jewelry Raffle and Sports-man raffle tickets are available at the shrine office. Please pick some up to sell. With that all being said, thank you for all you do for the kids in our area, thank you for being a Shriner, and have a safe July.

Fraternally, Mike P. Ferraro