Ismailia Shriners

I really don’t have a lot to say this month. August is over, and fall is upon us – where did the summer go? September brings us lots of joy as our kids return to school. For all of you teachers out there, I hope you enjoyed your break and thank you for all you do to broaden our kids minds.

This month we have a “Help Wanted” article looking for volunteers to assist with upcoming shrine fundraisers. Please consider donating some time to help raise funds for lsmailia. Cassiopeia Triangle will be holding a fundraiser later this year – look for their article titled “Paint the Potentate”.

A big thank you to the Lockport Shrine Club. They held their annual Cigar-B-Cue on August 10, and it was another successful event with roughly 60 people in attendance. Thank you for all you do to help the kids and thank you for being a Shriner – and to all of our Ladies, thank you for putting up with us.

Enjoy your September and remember to watch for stopped school buses and kids crossing the streets on their way to and from school.

Fraternally, Mike P. Ferraro