Ismailia Shriners

I want to thank everyone who worked at or supported our Lenten Fish Fries this season. They were a great success. I am so appreciative of the way our Shriners and Shrine Ladies
pulled together to make this annual event so successful. We will now be hosting Happy Hours and traditional menus (plus a few extra surprises), on the first and third Fridays of
the month. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us for the evening.

The Daughters of the Nile Installation and luncheon was a very enjoyable and enlightening experience. I was honored to be invited and to represent our Divan as Potentate at the event. The ladies were all so warm and welcoming. Thank you for your gracious and caring hospitality.

Our next Chicken Bar B Q will be Sunday May 16th, 2021. There is much to do from early morning to afternoon cleanup. There are jobs for everyone. It is a fun time and a great opportunity to work together to help out our Shrine. Please consider trying to come and support this very essential event. Encourage others to call in their orders to the Shrine office (716-674-8666) early as we tend to sell out before closing time.

The Memorial Day Amish Auction will be held May 29th starting at 9:30 am at Menno Yoder’s Farm, 5738 Stoddard Road, Conewango, NY 14726. It is a great way to spend a Saturday in the country. Great food at very reasonable prices, homemade ice cream and plenty of fun for families of all ages. See the Ismailia Shrine Facebook page for more details.

Mark your calendars for the Potentate’s Ball Saturday June 12th, 2021. Preparations are already in full swing. It will be a fun evening, we can see many people we have missed
over the past year. It promises to be different from any other ball you have ever attended. More information forthcoming.

Our Imperial Session will be held in Houston, Texas this year July 3rd-8th. If you are planning on attending, please contact the Shrine Office as soon as possible for scheduling and details. Many of the arrangements are well underway so do not waste any time.

Put your creative thinking caps on and help Lady Jan and I start planning seriously for our first (and hopefully annual) Christmas Tree FEZtival. We will be sending out ”invitations” and information in the next couple days. It is hoped that some of our clubs and units, ladies organizations and local businesses will step forth to donate a decorated Christmas tree for this event. Talk amongst yourselves and get some creative ideas. All profits will benefit our Ismailia Shrine. Set up 11/22-11/23. Feztival tree viewing 11/24, 11/26 and 11/27. Tree pickup and clean up 11/28. This could be a great opportunity for our Shrine to create a new annual event. Your ideas greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you all more as our weather improves and our COVID restrictions lessen. Continue to check out the Ismailia Shrine Facebook page to keep up to date on our increasing
activities and events. Be sure to mark your calendars with all the many events in the next weeks. Stay well and be safe.

John F. Walkden
Potentate 2021